Pick a colour and using a bowl or box hunt around the house for objects that colour to place in the bowl. If... read more
When reading a book or anywhere you go you are able to talk with your child about what colours and patterns you see.... read more
Everyday tasks can be used to practice counting, such as asking them to choose 2 toys to bring, to... read more
Baking together is great for looking at words and numbers in a recipe book and counting out when measuring... read more
Write down the names of your family sounding out the names as you write. Ask them to point to the word... read more
Using masking tape write each letter of the alphabet on a small piece and stick it to a counter. Have fun with... read more
Put Alphabet cards in order, singing as you go and sounding out the letters. Have fun with different voices... read more
Playing hide and seek together always starts off with counting. Let them count to a number they are able to... read more
Correct letter formation is important to learn from the beginning. A bad habit is very hard to break once learned, a... read more
If you have a coloured pins tray write on a letter with a whiteboard marker and let them form the letter using pins.... read more
Using Building Blocks build a tower together creating a colour pattern as you go. You could use different... read more
Demonstrate writing a letter explaining the formation as you write, then let them trace over the letter and explain... read more
Give your child four alphabet cards, name them as you pass them over and make the sound of the... read more
Let your child use your fingers to open up one at a time counting to 10 , once they get to 10 give them a... read more
An easy game to play with all your Dreamworks Heroes cards. Have all of the cards with pictures facing up.... read more
Cut out paper shapes and write the numbers 1 - 10 on them. Choose some numbers and together count out... read more
Play exercise games such as Can you jump 5 times? Can you turn around 2 times? Can you tap your head 3 times?... read more
Using masking tape number 1 - 10 on small pieces and stick to the top of toy cars. Simply draw and number car... read more
When out and about, like the supermarket, look out for letters together. For example see if they can spot a... read more
Using chalk outside draw different shapes in different colours on the concrete. Ask them to stand in the blue... read more
Play Go Fish together. Go fish is a great game for recognizing letters of the alphabet. Children get help... read more
Magnetic letters can be used to put into order of the Alphabet while sounding out and naming the letters, or by... read more
Take a bowl of water and paint brushes outside. Write letters on the ground, trees, table, house, as big or as... read more
Form a letter using glue on paper and sprinkle glitter, sand, or dried peas, what ever you like, onto the glue.... read more
Read a page in a book together and then act out what you have just read. Talk about it and check the words... read more
Playing games with dice, cards and board games are great for counting, reading, and talking about colours and... read more
Cut out shapes and create pictures with them. E.g. Use 3 circles and create a snowman with a triangle nose.... read more
Use alphabet cards or magnetic letters to sound out their own name, or you can write it for them as you sound out... read more
Watch Alphablocks together. Alphablocks is great for showing us the correct sounds of each letter and words... read more
After reading a book together ask them to help you find a certain letter. Sound the letter as they are hunting... read more
Cut out numbers 1 - 10 on paper and together place them in order. If they are after something more... read more
Talk about the feelings of people and animals within a story. Ask questions like ' Why does Sally look... read more
Read plenty of different books together. Immerse them in what they are interested in and have a variety... read more
Turn down 5 alphabet cards each. Take turns to turn one over and make the sound for that letter, if the... read more
Using a tray place in about a cup of flour or sand with some glitter if you like (dirt could be used or slime) and... read more
Play I spy with my little eye using colours, shapes, objects, or letter sounds. e.g. 'I spy with my little eye... read more